Valentine's Day... and all of its glory!!

Yesterday was our first day back from dismissing early and missing two days for snow and we returned on Valentine's Day! Love was in the air..... There was candy of all sorts, cupcakes, cookies, chips, drinks, cards, flowers, stuffed animals you name it we had it! We began our day by trying to get caught up from missing. We had a reading test, spelling test, and then word wall test. We even read a story, cranked out a Saxon Phonics lesson and FINALLY, YES FINALLY (the kids were probably thinking)... we moved on to some fun Valentine's day stuff. We did some of the fun math actictivies that were posted on What The Teacher Wants. The kids LOVED it! Then students shared their February family projects with the class. They really got a kick out of whaooing, cheering, and clapping each other on. Then it was on to our party. We had tons to eat, exchanged cards, and attempted to watch Be My Valentine Charlie Brown. Key word here is attempted as the kids were toooooooo wound up to pay the television ANY attention! Finally it was the end of the day... well for the kids... I stayed and filled in for after school tutoring until 5. After work I picked up a pizza for me and my boys (and get this... they gave me the wrong pizza!! I walked out smelling onions and peppers which I totally don't do and I stopped dead in my tracks and went back) so after waiting there for them to remake my pizza because they apparently gave mine away, I was finally headed home to my boys. I was (in the words of Babbling Abby) 12 kinds of tired at this point! Toooo tired to even get online and check my email or blog about the day or blog stalk other blog friends when I got home. Now that was tired!!! So here we have it a Valentine post the next day! Oh well... better late than never!
My day started out pretty stressful and not so peachy with one thing after another not going exactly as planned......... But let me tell you folks it definitely turned around when I received some beautiful, unexpected flowers from Eric!!! I was (in the words of Babbling Abby) 12 kinds of excited at this point!!!!! It gave me a new wind... just enough to make it through the day! haha

Aren't they b-e-a-utiful!??? And nothing says I love you like some rainbow roses and a Hello Kitty balloon!! He's got me hook line and sinker! :)

Here are some pics from our Valentine math activities.....and a few of the boxes from the February family project. My camera was going dead so I didn't get to take pics of them all! :(



= said...

aw these are sooo pretty what kind are they?

Elisabeth said...

Thanks! I was soooo suprised! They are roses :)

Tamara said...

I love the pizza idea. I am trying to set up the math facts boxes that are on It would be cute to add the pepperoni as they learn doubles, then the 5's thru 18's. Let me know if you get a cute pizza form!