Reading Street Focus Wall {and a Freebie!}

Hi there! So this time next week I will be back to school for registration and the first day with students is August 6th. Where oh where did summer go?? I'm pretty sure I blinked and it was over! Anyways, I've been busy, busy working to get everything ready for a new group of little sweeties. Since we are getting a new reading series this year I've been super busy preparing and getting things ready for it. (our county adopted the Scott Foresman Reading Street reading series) One thing I've been working on this summer is making a reading focus wall in my classroom. And since I've got to have posters to go on it... I made some! I just uploaded Unit R and Unit 1 to my little TpT shop. And I'm working to get the rest of the units finished and uploaded soon. I also uploaded some focus wall headers...and they are FREE! :)  So be sure to check those out! 

Click the pics below to take you to each one. 

And if your looking for other Reading Street materials for first grade I also have a High Frequency Word of the Day pack!


In other news.....I decided to get myself a new classroom theme this year..,and I'm pretty excited about it! I will be back soon to share some classroom pics with you.

Have a great weekend! :)  Here is to hoping for lots of sunshine!


Throwback Thursday: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom & Monkeys

Hi blog friends! I was working in my classroom today getting things ready for a new year and it hit me what I could do for my "Throwback Thursday" post. I am changing my theme this year to a jungle/monkey/safari theme....So I thought I would share with you a back to school bulletin board I did in 2011. I'm planning on doing this again this year. :)

Originally posted on 8-26-11


Today we read the book Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom and then we made a special snack to go along with the book. We made Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom Trees. This was super easy to make.... graham crackers, apple slices, and chocolate covered raisins. This little snack was inspired by a pinterest find (I Heart Crafty Things) that I stumbled upon one day and knew then I had to do this with my kids. They turned out cute and were so yummy!

The first week of school we made these cutie patootie monkeys that my mom helped make the pattern for. The poem in the middle of the bulletin board says:
Finally, finally school is here,
Parents smile from ear to ear.
And say with a pleading grin,
Teachers let these monkey's in!

I found this poem a few years ago on a website and can't remember where. Sorry!


If you are interested in the cute monkey and some fun back to school activities check out my little Swinging Into A New Year pack!


Have you been to Kohl's lately?? They have Curious George and friends plush animals and books right now.  Go get ya some!! :)