Farmer of the Week {A Student of the Week Classroom Managment Idea}

Hey friends! Long time no blog! I know, I know... I've said this before... but I really do hope to do better about blogging more frequently and get back in to it! 

We just finished up our first full week of school and I wanted to stop by the blog today and share again with you something that I've been doing in my classroom for several years now that I absolutely LOVE and have found to be super duper effective in helping me manage ALLLLL the things. 
I've had a camping theme the last 5 years.. so this year I decided to switch it up and traded in my forest animals and trees for farm animals and all things barnyard from Creative Teaching Press! If you are looking for a new theme check out CTP at my affliate link.
A new theme means a new student of the week.

Let me introduce you to my "Farmer of the Week!" This special student is featured in the hallway on my barn display for everyone to learn about. The Farmer of the Week is my special helper and line leader for the entire week. So no changing or keeping track of daily leaders/helpers. If a job/task requires more than one helper then the Farmer of the Week gets to pick a friend... and they love picking a friend! Lots of times they want to pick someone to help out even if it is a one man job. They love to spread the Farmer of the Week love and duties around! HA 

Classroom Must Haves For Teaching in a Pandemic

Year 13 has been quite different..... Teaching in a pandemic is no joke and definitely no walk in the park! My district chose to come back in person in August but did give students the opportunity to choose a virtual route. Occasionally this year, our entire district has gone completely virtual... teachers will report in and teach from school while students login in to our teams meeting from home. If any of our students are in quarantine then they will join us for class live virtually... so I teach both my in person students and my virtual students at the same the time. And I've also taught from home when I was in quarantine while the students were at school. So I've dipped my toes in a little bit of all of the possible scenarios for teaching in a pandemic... just trying to adjust and make the best of it and still give my students the best possible year we can have.... and trying to keep a little bit of my sanity along the way...if that is even possible!

Here are a few products I thought I'd share that have made things a bit easier this year while teaching in person and virtually in a pandemic.

This post contains Amazon affiliate links, meaning I earn a small commission (at NO cost to you!) if you click through and make a purchase.

Camper of the Week: A Student of the Week Classroom Management System

Hey friends! Happy Saturday! Long time no blog! I will have a new look around the blog soon with a brand new name! I felt it was time for a change for the current season of my life. So stay tuned for that coming soon and my hope is to do better with my blogging and make time for it as I've always loved it so much.

Coming off of the 2nd full week back to school, I wanted to stop by the blog today and share with you something I've been doing in my classroom for several years now that I LOVE and have found super duper effective in helping me manage ALLLLL the things. 

Fun with Magic E!

We've been working our magic on CVC words recently in room 4! What kind of magic am I talking about?? Well the MAGIC E magic! We've been changing short vowels into long vowel sounds!

For this activity, I hand out some letter cards that make a word to students and have them come up to the front of the classroom. My special helper gets the job of being the magic e. To make the magic e a little more special I purchased a black cape and a light up wand at the Dollar Tree and a sparkly black top hat from Party City (It was in the 40th birthday section-I removed the 40 ha!). It's a super simple, yet fun way to add a fun little touch to this activity!

Student of the Week

Hey friends! Happy Sunday! I wanted to stop by the blog today and share with you something I've been doing in my classroom for several years now that I LOVE and have found super effective in helping me manage things. 

Each week in my camping themed classroom I have a Camper of the Week. This special student is featured in the hallway on my large camper display for everyone to learn about. The Camper of the Week is my special helper and line leader for the entire week. So no changing or keeping track of daily leaders/helpers. If a job/task requires more than one helper then the Camper of the Week gets to pick a friend... and they love picking a friend! Lots of times they want to pick someone to help out even if it is a one man job. They love to spread the Camper of the Week love and duties around! HA


Hidey! I wanted to stop by the blog tonight to share some data & graphing activities we did in room 4 this past spring and tell you about a new little pack that these activities are included in called 

Fox in Socks: Silly Sock Day!

Tuesday was a silly sock kinda day in first grade. We read Fox in Socks, wore silly socks, and worked with lots of rhyming words. Here is a peek at our day!