Happy Monday blog friends! This week we are learning all about contractions in room 4. I made our lesson come to life today by dressing up as a magician. The kids LOVED it! Isn't learning soooo much fun?? :)
I got the cape, wand, and mustaches at the Dollar Tree and the hat at Party City.
After discussing what contractions are watching a Flocabulary video and Brainpop, Jr video. We dived into the lesson. I had some special helpers come up and read two words to the class. They then dropped them into my magician hat, borrowed my magic wand, and let the magic happen!
My helper then went to the board and wrote what the contraction for the two words was and turned and told the class what they wrote.
Then they got to try it out by making these Contraction Magic books. Their pencils became magic wands to help them with this little task! ;)
And we finished up with a little craftivity! Students were given two words and they put them (pasted) them in their hats, took the magic wand, and poof! We had a contraction just like that!
These activities are in a new little pack of mine called Contraction Magic! If your interested you can click the pic below to find out all about this fun little pack.
Have a fun, magical week blog friends! :)