Long time no blog! Boy am I super behind on blogging. I don't know where the summer went....July was crazy busy... and then we started back to school and well time to sit down and blog has just been far and few between. But I wanted to pop in real quick and knock the cob webs off of the ole blog and share with you a little back to school craftivity I did with my new group of firsties.
Students made these cutie patootie owls and then filled in the blanks on the "whoo am I" writing paper. I attached it to the owl and students wrote their names underneath. Then you can lift the flap to reveal the mystery student. I thought these turned out super cute and were perfect for my woodland friend/camping theme classroom.
If you still need a back to school craft you can click on the pic below to check it out in my little tpt store. This is perfect for K-4 and I have included additional writing papers for grades K-4 in case you don't want to do the guess whoo writing attachment. Students can write about what they hope to learn about in their new grade or they can write all about their self, etc.
Well friends that's all I've got for tonight. Stay tuned for a classroom reveal post coming soon and what I'm doing for classroom management this year since I changed my theme.
I hope you are off to a great year so far! :)