Happy Friday! Well blog friends this is my last Friday off before school starts. :( Next week I have two days of PD and two days off (that will likely be work days in my classroom if I don't get it ready before then). And then students come for registration on Friday and the first full day is August 4th. Yikes!! Where did the summer go??
I wanted to pop in today to share with you about my first Donors Choose Project that I did this past school year. My Donors Choose project was for a listening station from Lakeshore Learning. I did not have a listening station and wanted one to use for Daily 5/center time. I was beyond excited when this project got funded! My students were thrilled to finally be able to listen to reading during our Daily 5 and center time. I wanted something more though than them just listening to our weekly stories. So when I got to looking for other activities to do with the listening station I found that the oh so sweet and talented Deedee Wills had listening station packs!!!! Is there anything she doesn't have!? LOVE her and LOVE her stuff!! So I purchased several of her packs {well let's be honest most all of them. ha!} and like a mad woman went on the hunt for the Scholastic books and CDs that went with her packs. I had a really awesome group this past year that loved ordering from Scholastic. I was able to get alot of the book/cd packs with Scholastic points. YAY! Even better!!
If you don't have her listen up listening station packs you are missing out... these are seriously amazing!! What I love is that with these packs I now have activities to hold the kids accountable for their listening so I can check for comprehension and make sure they aren't just pretending to listen. ha
Here are two cuties listening to "Bug Patrol." You can see Deedee's sheets on the table that the kids will complete after listening to the story. Love!
I have my listening station set up at a round table. I have four head phones, so four students can be here at once.
In the tubs are my listening station book packs. I printed Deedee's sheets from her listen up packs and then made copies of those sheets. I put the copied sheets and the corresponding books each in a large ziploc bag. Then each week I can grab the pack I want kids to listen to and put the books and sheets in a center tub. If they are at the listening station they will grab what they need from the tub {book and corresponding sheet} and take it to the listening station. I already have the CD inserted for them... so all they need to do is press play.
The containers I store them in are from the Dollar Tree and the cutie chevron labels are from Creative Teaching Press!
Here is a closer look at the listening station from Lakeshore Learning that I got through Donors Choose.
I didn't get my listening station until around late February last school year, so I'm really looking forward to using it along with these packs from the start of the year!
You can check out how Deedee has her listening station set up by clicking HERE. And you can go HERE to check out her awesome listen up listening station packs in her tpt store. Go get you some.. NOW! I promise you will love them! :)
Speaking of Donors Choose.......
I just posted a new project to Donors Choose and it went live last night!! I will have 24-25 students this upcoming year. Boy...that's a big group!! I would love to add more technology into our daily routine because many of them do not have access to technology at home and the technology at our school is very limited {especially in my little classroom}. If you would like to check out and read more about my project you can check it out HERE! For the next 7 days when someone donates to my project and enters the code INSPIRE, Donors Choose will match that donation dollar for dollar!!!!!!
Have a fabulous weekend blog friends!!! :)