Hi sweet blog friends! I have been busy working on my newest unit and I FINALLY finished it!! I just posted my Fun with The Cat and the Hat and Friends unit to TPT! I am super excited about it! It is jammed packed with tons of activities, crafts, etc!!!!
Here is a little peek at all the craft patterns you will get in this unit....
I couldn't get Fox in Socks to turn the other way for some reason.. sorry!
I couldn't get Fox in Socks to turn the other way for some reason.. sorry!
This unit is packed full of literacy, math, and craft activities to celebrate Dr. Seuss' Birthday and Read Across America. In this unit you will get the following:
-Dr. Seuss Character Patterns (scanned images)for the following characters: The Cat and The Hat, The Lorax, Red Fish, Blue Fish, Horton, Sam I Am, Yertle the Turtle, Fox in Socks, and Thing 1 & Thing 2
-Dr. Seuss Week Dress up day suggestions with (5) daily graphs that coordinate with each dress up day
-Do you like green eggs and ham graph
-Thing 1 and Thing 2 Addition with recording sheet
-Making Words with The Cat in The Hat with recording sheet
-The Cat and The Hat card graphing activity with recording sheet
-Rhyming Words match with recording sheet
-Noun and Verb sort with recording sheet
-Roll a Number math game
-Dr. Seuss story comparison Venn diagram
-Long/Short vowel short
-Dr. Seuss character ABC order with recording sheet
-Ways to Help our Environment (The Lorax)
-The Lorax writing activity sheet
-Gold Fish Crackers Graphing
Throughout the day I drew out a name and that student got to pick a balloon for us to pop. Inside each balloon was a different 100 activity for us to complete. Some examples of things we did are... 100 jumping jacks, draw 100 shapes, count by 2's to 100, do 100 sit-ups, touch our nose 100 times, clap our hands 100 times, blink our eyes 100 times, etc. My favorite was 100 seconds of silence!!!! :)
We made a 100th day trail mix!
This was a pinterest idea. Sorry for the dark picture... maybe you can tell what it is.. if not this 100 was a police van :)
-Dr. Seuss Character Patterns (scanned images)for the following characters: The Cat and The Hat, The Lorax, Red Fish, Blue Fish, Horton, Sam I Am, Yertle the Turtle, Fox in Socks, and Thing 1 & Thing 2
-Dr. Seuss Week Dress up day suggestions with (5) daily graphs that coordinate with each dress up day
-Do you like green eggs and ham graph
-Thing 1 and Thing 2 Addition with recording sheet
-Making Words with The Cat in The Hat with recording sheet
-The Cat and The Hat card graphing activity with recording sheet
-Rhyming Words match with recording sheet
-Noun and Verb sort with recording sheet
-Roll a Number math game
-Dr. Seuss story comparison Venn diagram
-Long/Short vowel short
-Dr. Seuss character ABC order with recording sheet
-Ways to Help our Environment (The Lorax)
-The Lorax writing activity sheet
-Gold Fish Crackers Graphing
You can check it out at my little ole TPT store!
Last week I had bus duty so that was the reason for the lack of posting! That and trying to finish up this unit and surviving my first unannounced pop-in evaluation under this new evaluation system.. YIKES! On Friday we celebrated the 100th day of school... I was t-totally tired by the end of the day! But we had a fun day! Here are a few pics from our celebration.
We made a 100th day trail mix!
This was a pinterest idea. Sorry for the dark picture... maybe you can tell what it is.. if not this 100 was a police van :)
We completed the little 100th day book that you can find at First Grade a la Carte, Can you guess what this little drew for what he would look like in 100 years??? HA
We did a ton of other activities... but I didn't get pictures of every single thing. But they were all pretty much pinterest ideas. I sent home a brown paper sack with a note at the beginning of the week asking for parents to help their put 100 of the same item in the bag. They wrote clues about their 100 item and then they shared with the class the clues while we took turns guessing what was in the bag. They got pretty creative with this.., I was totally stumped with the 100 UNO cards! I got the kids 100 day glasses from Really Good Stuff. They were so precious in them.
And this is totally random but.....here is a snowman cookie snack we made a couple of weeks ago.. this was pinterest inspired as well.
Well if you made it to the end of this super duper long post.. thanks for hanging in there!! The first person to comment will snag a copy of my new Dr. Seuss unit for.. FREE :)
Happy Thursday night! I'm pumped that tomorrow is FRIDAY!!

Love it!
First Grade Blue Skies
I love your Dr. Seuss characters, too cute!! :)
Love the Dr. Seuss unit!!
The First Grade Dream
I love your crafts! They are too cute!
Help! I can't find your Dr. Seuss crafts on TPT. I really want the patterns.
Hi Sue T, I made them unavailable due to needing to change the clip art and also needing to update the file and change/add some things to it. I just have not gotten around to fixing it yet, but it is on my to-do list and I plan on re-posting it eventually. If you are interested I can put it back on long enough for you to purchase. Just let me know. Thanks so much for your interest! :)
I would really like a copy of your Seuss unit. We are celebrating all next week.
Is it possible to get a copy?
So I'm thinking that I can't access your TpT Dr. Seuss packet due to the regulations. Hmmm, do you have a similar type packet available under a different name?
I'd also love a copy of your Seuss unit! How can we get this? Thank you so much! -Stephanie
Hi Elisabeth,
I wanted to purchase your Cat in the Hat crafts on your TPT store, but the link is not available. Let me know how to purchase them, because they are cute and wonderful!
I was also wondering if you could make your unit available again? jkroske@gmail.com
Thank you!
I would love to get a copy of the Dr. Seuss unit. Could you make it available again? heatherbennett@ccslions.org
I was wondering if you could make the Dr. Seuss unit available again?
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