Hi there! I'm popping in today to share some exciting news with you! I am a HUGE fan of anything and everything from Creative Teaching Press! And guess what?? I was just given the inside scoop and a first look at the new CTP back-to-school products that are coming out!!
Since I am an exclusive blogger for CTP I am going to give you a little sneak peek at some of the new back-to-school "stache" that's coming out.
Coming soon.....
The Math GNOMe--Decor and a comprehensive guide to creating and managing your common classroom
2" Chevron Solids Stickers--- I can't wait to use these to label my containers and well everything!
Stay tuned for more of the new back-to-school "stache" of awesomeness coming out from Creative Teaching Press!!
Can't wait for me to post more? I've got you covered! Hop over to see what Gladys at Teaching in High Heels is sharing a sneak peek of....You won't be disappointed! :)