friends! Long time no blog! I know, I know... I've said this before... but I really do hope to do better about blogging more frequently and get back in to it!
We just finished up our first full week of school and I wanted to stop by the blog
today and share again with you something that I've been doing in my classroom for
several years now that I absolutely LOVE and have found to be super duper effective in
helping me manage ALLLLL the things.
had a camping theme the last 5 years.. so this year I decided to switch it up and traded in my forest animals and trees for farm animals and all things barnyard from Creative Teaching Press! If you are looking for a new theme check out CTP at my affliate link.
A new theme means a new student of the week.
Let me introduce you to my "Farmer of the Week!" This
special student is featured in the hallway on my barn display
for everyone to learn about. The Farmer of the Week is my special helper
and line leader for the entire week. So no changing or keeping track of
daily leaders/helpers. If a job/task requires more than one helper then
the Farmer of the Week gets to pick a friend... and they love picking a
friend! Lots of times they want to pick someone to help out even if it
is a one man job. They love to spread the Farmer of the Week love and
duties around! HA
I made a barn in the hallway to display the all about me poster. I hot glued a couple of clothes pins to the barn and it's easy to hang the poster and change out weekly. I've got the poster from Really
Good Stuff. They have them at Oriental Trading and Amazon as well. I send them home along with a note explaining the special
week on the Thursday or Friday before their week as the Farmer of the
Week. This gives them the weekend to work on their poster. They bring it
back on Monday and share with the class and then I laminate it and hang
it out in the hallway for others to learn all about our special Farmer.
Farmer of the Week has the option of bringing in a special snack
(pre-packaged of course) to share with the class on Friday... and they
love this! It's perfect if you can make it where that student's birthday
is during that week because usually they want to send in birthday
treats during that week so this covers both of those in one lick! :)
Having a student of the week can help do is with managing
show in tell if you do that. Dedicate a certain day during their week for show and tell. This way each student has the chance to do
it, it's one day a week and you are done.
a student of the week is also a great chance for students to lift that
special student up with compliments and kind words. We all need those! I
let students write special letters to the Farmer of the Week and bind
them together into a special little book... it makes a great little
I also let the Farmer of the Week be the Go Noodle DJ. They get to pick the brain breaks out for the whole entire week! They LOVE this!
Don't have a farm theme but would love to implement this?? I have a variety of other themes to choose from in my little tpt store.
These packs include everything you need to get a student of the week
going in your classroom... PLUS NO MORE CHANGING JOBS/LEADERS daily!!
That was a game changer for me friends! Plus, I've included editable
notes in these packs so you can tweak it and make it your own for your classroom if needed!
I currently have the following themes: Farm, Camping, Jungle/Monkey, Rock Star, Llama, Cactus, Circus, and Owl. CLICK HERE to check out all of the options currently available.
see your theme but would love to implement this in your class?? I'd
love to help! Shoot me a message and let me know what your theme is and I'd be happy to make one for you!
This has worked wonders for me over the years and has really helped me with managing things as well as keeping it fun and special for my students, but most of all keeping it EASY for me!! It's organized, it covers it all, and the kids love it!! :)
How do you manage ALLLL the things in your classroom or celebrate students?? I'd love to know what you do in your classroom!
Happy Sunday! If you are back to school I hope it is going well and off to a smooth as possible start!
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