Well it's the eve before the first day of school and I have some first day back jitters...mostly trying to figure out what in the world I'm going to wear for the first day back!!! haha
I can't wait to meet my new group of firsties! I will be starting my seventh year as a first grade teacher! Seventh year!? Time flies when you're having fun people!!! I'm linking up with the sweet and fabulous Michelle for a little Sunday Smorgasbord post.
Yesterday I worked all day trying to put the finishing touches on my classroom... This was after working a ton this summer and all week....I *think* it's finally ready! But really is it ever ready? There is always something else we can do, change, add, fix, etc. But since the first day is tomorrow, it's as good as it's going to get. I hope the kids love the room as much as I do. Here is a little preview pic for you... I will be back soon with a whole post dedicated to my classroom!
I have a few more pics of my classroom posted on my little Facebook fan page. Head over there to check them out. While you are there will you pretty, pretty please show me a little love and like my Facebook page? It's rather lonely over there! :)
I am participating in a back 2 school blog hop with an awesome giveaway! The hop started on August 1st and will go through August 13th. There will freebies to snag and a chance to win over $100 worth of tpt products!!! Please visit Sarah at The Fabulous First Grade....She is the first stop in the hop {that totally rhymed! ha} and get all the details about the giveaway and hop and find out where to hop to next!
I have an **AMAZING** giveaway coming real soon to the blog and I seriously can't wait!!!!
I'm joining some fabulous TPT sellers for the big back to school sale!!! Everything will be 20% off in my little shop August 4th and 5th. Don't forget to enter the promo code BTS14 to snag some additional savings for up to 28% off!!! I can't wait!!
Are you having a sale too? Be sure to link up with the sweet ladies over at Blog Hoppin!
Well friends that's all I have for tonight! I've got to get a few more things ready for the first day back and then it's off to bed for this little gal. I don't want to be falling asleep on the first day! ha
Have a great week and happy Back 2 School shopping on TPT!!!

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