Happy Monday! I had a pretty busy weekend with family stuff and didn't get a chance to link up with my sweet friend Deedee with my Peek at My Week. So, I'm just popping in super quick with my plans because I promised myself I would start and by golly I'm trying my best to keep my promise! A day late is better than not at all... right?? :)
Click on the pics below to download a copy of my plans with downloadable links for products that I'm using. :) My plans are missing my stations and a few other little things. Our schedules have changed slightly over the past week {yes, mid-year..yikes!!!!!} and well, I'm still adjusting. :(
And let me just say that I am LOVING the new Guiding Readers January ELA unit from Deanna and Deedee. It's FAB.U.LOUS!!!!! I snapped some pics last week of what we did... but no time tonight to share. Soon though!!
Have a wonderful week blog friends!!! :)

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