Hip, Hip Hooray! We are 100 days smarter in room 04!!! We celebrated the 100th day of school yesterday with some fun activities! We had such a fun and exciting day celebrating our 100th day. I wanted to share some pics of what we did to celebrate. {I have battled it out with these pics for over an hour now.. they are either blurry or sideways and I'm not sure why.... GRR!! I've definitely got some major picture problems! and I'm afraid to say it but the pictures have won this round because I'm tired of trying to figure out what's wrong with them.. so here is our 100th day fun a little blurry and sideways! haha}
I hung balloons around the room and we popped them throughout the day to find different 100th day activities for us to complete. A few examples of things we did were sit in silence for 100 seconds, do 100 jumping jacks, write your name 100 times, touch your toes 100 times and count to 100 by 2's, 5's, and 10's. The kids loved this last year so I decided to do it again! They were so anxious to find out what the activities were.
I bought Kathleen from Growing Kinders 100th day pack and let me tell you it is one of my most favorite purchases from TpT so far! It is full of fun activities to help you and your sweeties celebrate the 100th day. If you don't have this pack you are missing out! It is precious!
One of the activities we did from her pack was when I am 100 years old.
One of the activities we did from her pack was when I am 100 years old.
We made a 100th day trail mix. YUM!
100th day glasses!
100th day mystery bags. I sent home a paper sack and a sheet with each student asking them to fill their bag with 100 of an item. They wrote 3 clues about their item and they got to take turns sharing their clues and we had a fun time trying to guess what they had in their bag! Notice the darker one? It was filled with french fries from McDonald's! haha
I wish I had 100... and I would not want 100...
We wrote 100 words and put them in little booklets from Kathleen's pack.
We made 100th Day Fruit Loop Necklaces
Some other things we did from her pack that I didn't snap a pic of was a 100th day scavenger hunt, we made a "look what I know on the 100th day of school" booklet, If I had a $100, and so much more!
I hope the blurry and sideways pics weren't too much for you and hopefully you get the idea of how we celebrated!
Well that's all of the blurry and sideways pics I've got for you tonight!! :) ha When is your 100th day?

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