Monday Made It!

Hey blog friends!! I am linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics for some more Monday Made It action! Although I have worked on what feels like a ton of stuff lately... I have only one complete project to share today. 

This weeks project comes from Brooke Hilderbrand at Once Upon a First Grade Adventure. You can get these too cute birthday balloons to print at her blog, so be sure to go check her out! 
I got the glass jar and krazy straws at the Dollar General Store. This was a super simple project and I can't wait to give them out to my kiddos for their Birthdays!

I don't know about you, but I'm really loving this summer Monday Made It fun! Thanks Tara for hosting such a fun weekly linky party!!!

On a side note, this is my last full week off for the summer! :( I don't know where summer went. 

I will be back tomorrow linking up with Amy for her fun Tell Me More Linky Party! 


1 comment

Cupcake said...

This is definitely on my to-do list!!
A Cupcake for the Teacher