Yesterday, our Kindergarten and First Grade classes had a fun filled Polar Express Day as we took a magical journey to the North Pole!! Let me just start by saying I felt like I had been run over by the Polar Express by the end of the day! HA We did so many activities in one day.. needless to say we were all wore out! But it was all worth it to see their sweet, smiling faces, and hear their sweet little comments like "today has been the best day ever!" :) We transformed our rooms into stops and the kids rotated around as they rode the Polar Express down the hallway to each stop. Here are the pics of our doors and the train tracks. :)
Each stop had a different Polar Express themed activity. Students had their golden ticket and got it punched at each stop. We had the following activities for the kids to do... At stop number 1 the conductor read them The Polar Express and they made magic reindeer food. At stop number 2 they made a Polar Express keepsake ornament. At stop number 3 they made the TLC Polar Express Craft. And at stop number 4 they made a tasty Polar Express inspired train snack. After all of the classes had rode the Polar Express to all of the stops they made their final stop back to their original classrooms where we enjoyed hot chocolate, doughnuts, and watched the movie. There was a very special delivery straight from The North Pole that was delivered around 2 pm! Our package was still cold when it arrived!!! We anxiously opened our package to find that Santa himself had sent our class BELLS! They were never more excited to get anything than those frozen bells! Many shook the bells immediately and shouted "I can hear it, I can hear it!" and some asked "can you hear it Miss Delk?" They were all kinds of excited! Our day was a total success and I am so happy the kids enjoyed the day. Days like our Polar Express day and the joy that I saw on each child's face makes my job even more rewarding! :) I hope these kiddos will remember this day for many years to come and look back and think "wow, that was a great day!"
Here are a couple of pics of two of the activities that were completed...
TLC Polar Express Activity
Keepsake Ornament.. Students colored a train, cut it out, and placed it on a pre-cut circle. On the back there was a label that said Polar Express Day 2011 and students wrote their name on the back.
No picture of the Magical Reindeer Food.. but if you Google it you will get a ton of links to sites that have the recipe and printable tags. No picture of the graham cracker train snack we made but it was totally Pinterest inspired so you can find tons of pics on there of it!
Do you do a Polar Express Day with your kids?? If so, what is your day like?
Happy Friday night sweet friends! I am officially on Christmas break and couldn't be more excited!!!! Me and Mr. E had a fun day trying to finish our Christmas shopping. :)

Our Polar Express Day is this Monday. There are four of us doing it and in the morning we do a room rotation. One teacher will do a craft, another will sing carols and a movement activity, another will play a game, and the last does a Polar Express showcase. She plays a bunch of characters from the story and puts on a show. It is magnificent! The kids love it.
I love the idea of doing rotations and activities! So fun! I will have to remember that one for next year!!!
How Fun! I just pinned your TLC Polar Express Activity. It's so cute!
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