I am joining in on the fun that Rachelle and Natalie are having over at What the Teacher Wants. They are hosting their very first linky party called
So here goes my little ole list of things that I am thankful for....
1. What are you thankful for in your classroom?
Well.... I really wish I could say something totally awesome here.... like a Smartboard or whatever other cool gadgets that are in techno land.... but unfortunately I don't have one of those or any of that. HA BUT... I am hoping *fingers crossed* to be getting a projector in the very near future. So on that note, I am thankful at the prospect of getting a projector for my classroom! And I'm thankful for construction paper! HA
But really I am just so very thankful to have a classroom to go to each day and a group of 22 feisty boys and girls to teach. :)
I am also thankful to have a great co-teacher to work with and a good neighbor (buddy) across the hall in Kindergarten.
I am very thankful for Eric. He is so good to me and brightens my days in so many different ways. We have the best times together and can have fun anywhere! I look forward to wherever tomorrow takes us because I know it will be wonderful. I don't deserve him.. but so very proud I have him! I am thankful for our sweet baby dog, Dexter. He is the best little fur baby ever. He is always excited to see me and I love that! I can't wait for 3 pm each day so I can get home to my boys... because when you come home to two sweet boys like I do what day isn't great??
I am thankful for my mama! She helps me in so many ways and keeps me on track. I really don't know what I would do without her. She is also huge help with my classroom and has wonderful ideas. She missed her calling! :)
I am also thankful for all my other family and friends. I am blessed beyond means to have each of you in my life.
Gosh.. I am thankful for them all! I don't think I was really ever teaching until I started blog stalking! I have definitely stepped up my game and really started doing more in the classroom and I am definitely enjoying it more since I started following all of you!
I love Cara at The First Grade Parade! Boy does that girl have some mad teaching skills and she is oozing with creativity!!! If only I had half of what she has going on in my classroom that she does in her classroom who would need fancy equipment?? HA Her blog inspired me to jump into the blogging world. I hope one day I can be half as great as she is. And she cooks... this girl is crazy talented in the classroom and kitchen too!! My cooking even turned around after following (stalking) her blogs. :) I definitely look forward to reading about what she is doing in her class and what she is cooking for her boys each week.
Next, I really enjoy Made for 1st Grade. They have some AMAZING freebies, tips, and ideas and out of this world units on TPT. I really wonder if these girls sleep!? ha
Abby at The Inspired Apple is also oozing with creativity and I can't wait to read about what she is doing with her kiddos each week.
Last but not least I LOVE Rachelle and Natalie at What the Teacher Wants. They have wonderful tips, ideas, freebies... well you name it... they have it! :) Rachelle is so stinkin' sweet and was so helpful to me when I was needing an idea for a math lesson for an evaluation. (by the way.. your ideas worked perfect Rachelle!)
I could go on and on with other blogs that I love and read daily. Thanks to all of you out there for sharing your ideas, etc. It has helped me in my classroom tremendously!!
Jersey Shore (sad... but so true!.. go ahead and judge me!) well pretty much any reality tv (housewives, etc.), The Young and The Restless (sad again.. but even more true.. so go ahead and judge some more!) Pinterest (love, love, love!), sweet tea, sweets for my sweet tooth, pasta, and hair spray! hahaha
5. What are you most thankful for?
I am so very thankful for Eric, Dexter, my family, friends, job, home, health, and happiness.
I am also thankful for Teachers Pay Teachers. I recently got started with it this past summer and positively love creating things to put on there. If you have purchased anything from my Teachers Pay Teachers store please know how thankful I am for you and how much I appreciate it! :) I hope I can continue coming up with things to post on there that someone.. anyone will find beneficial to their classroom.
I need to remind myself more often of how lucky and thankful I really am. Often times we dwell on the negatives and what we don't have, rather than taking time to be thankful for what we do have. So thanks to Rachelle for hosting this linky party and having us all take time out to be thankful. :)
Don't forget to go link up with Rachelle and Natalie at What the Teacher Wants!
P.S. I am thankful for Thanksgiving break (Wednesday-Friday) this week! I can't wait to put up my Christmas trees, decorate the entire house, cook a turkey, and go black Friday shopping!

Ahh!!! I'm so glad that lesson worked for you for your evaluation. I bet you did awesome! I just love you and your blog!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for linking up!
I love your blog design!
I love your blog design as well!
Isn't it the best when you've had a rough day at school,and you come home to a happy fur-child that is beyond excited to see you?! It's one of the best feelings ever.
Thanks girls! Glad you like the design!! :) Thanks for stopping by my little ole blog!
Rachelle- I just love you and your blog too!!!!!
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