It's Been A Good, Good Day! Target visit!

Well folks.. it doesn't take much to please this ole gal right here. Me and Mr. E had the best day together today! Since we live in the middle of nowhere and when I say nowhere I mean nowhere (no stop lights, no nothing!) and the closest Target is 2 hours away we made us a trip to Bowling Green, KY to go to Target! ha ha  Since I have been going on and on about how all the blogs I'm following (stalking) are stocking up on all the bits of heaven the Dollar Spot at Target holds for literally weeks now I guess E decided it was time to shut me up and take me to one! ha ha  We started out our day with waffles and bacon! And then hit the trails to Bowling Green! I was super pumped and told him how great he was the whole way there! It was totally his idea to get up and go. And the sweet part is he is currently nursing broken toes from an accident at work and wanted to go anyways. Precious right!!???...RIGHT!!!! I suggested he use the hover around but he resisted temptation. HA! I think he was just a tad scared because I was nearly foaming at the mouth when we walked in and I saw the bright bins staring at me saying BUY ME, BUY ME! I hurried and grabbed me a cart and started grabbing stuff left and right like a MAD WOMAN! Scary... but true! After Target we went to O'Charley's for lunch and then onto Sam's club. Fun day, right? :)

Here is a pic of some of the loot I got! I totally felt like a lottery winner and when I say this I'm not even kidding.. considering I don't get to go often.. today was a jack pot day for this teacher gal! 

I got 10 paper tray tubs.. they were out of the bigger ones but this size will work out just great! I got several packs of mini dry erase board erasers and markers, alphabet stickers, alphabet stamps, ink pads, some Dr. Seuss note pads & pins, a lesson plan book, foam sticker letters, and a magnetic dry erase board with a to do list. There was a ton more I could have got but tried to resist best I could. 

Thanks again to Kelli at Castles and Crayons and Meghan at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for the Target gift card giveaways they recently had that I was the lucky winner of! I put those little babies to good use today! :)

And I got this in the mail!!!! I've been wanting to jump on the bucket filling wagon and winning Mel D at Oh The Places We'll Go's recent giveaway is a good, good reason to get started!!! Isn't this the cutest darn thing ever? Thanks again Mel you made my day! And she is giving another one of these away! So get yourself over there and enter to win!!!

Since it has been such a good, good day and since I have so much to be thankful for I feel that it is appropriate to end this post with the lyrics from Good Life by One Republic.....

Oh this has gotta be the good life 
This has gotta be the good life 
This could really be a good life, good life 

Say oh, got this feeling that you can't fight 
Like this city is on fire tonight 
This could really be a good life 
A good, good life 

I hope everyone's day has been half as good as mine! :)



Unknown said...

Oohh, I like those paper trays. I hope my Target has them. Thanks for sharing.

Tami said...

What a fun day for you! I live in a city that has many,many Targets and I have checked 3 or 4 of them and I can not find those alphabet stamp sets!

The Whity Wife said...

i'm living vicariously through you today

Miss B said...

Lucky lady! 3 wins is definitely good luck :)
Miss B, Busy Bee