I am considering grouping my kids in groups of 4... and naming the groups. Has anyone else done this in first and been successful with it??? Any pros/cons?? One of the second grade teachers at my school does and she likes it.... however she doesn't do it until after Christmas. I was wanting to start out with it. She names her groups based on what they are learning.... for example if it's shapes then she might have a pyramid group, a cube group, etc. Thought it was a cute idea of naming them. She even has them little group competitions sometimes. So I'm liking the idea of groups.. just wondering if it would be good in first or not.
Also.... I am wanting to tackle centers next year. If anyone has any good center ideas or routines, etc I would LOVE to hear them!!!
On a side note the month of May has been very good to me! I graduated and got my Master of Arts degree in Instructional Leadership! AND got tenure!! whoot whoot!!!!!!!!!! I also had a VERY successful yard sale last weekend with my gal pal Steph.
Happy almost weekend...

I used groups in my first grade classroom this past year. I started the groups on day 1 and they were VERY successful. Instead of giving them names, I let the "teams" work together to figure out a name. They were much more invested in the entire process that way. At one point, we had The Scary Pumpkins, The Scary Bookbags, The Scary Ghosts, The Scary Bees, and The Scary Pencils in our class, Can you guess what time of the year that was? Lol!
Debbie Diller has a great center book. Also, the book called What Are the Other Kids Doing While I Teach Small Groups? is a great center book too. I use both of them and my firsties love centers! Also, I do Math Tubs (Stations) with my firsties and Debbie Diller has a new book out about that too. Lots of bloggers are doing a book study on the Math Stations book this summer. Check them all out! Good luck & congrats!
Have you heard of Daily Five by "The Sisters"? Its Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading, Word Work, and Work on Writing. All of those activities are very easy to manage and they are all literacy focused. Plus the kids are usually very motivated because they get to choose their center instead of being assigned a center.
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Miss Kindergarten
I co-taught 1st grade so we had 36 students. We gave our groups names so we could easily divide them. We often had to divide them for specials or even going to lunch. (Much easier to have 18 kids walk in a quiet line than 36) We always had at least 10 centers for reading. I'd be happy to give you more information on centers if you would like to email me!
Primary Connections
i have the colored baskets from really good stuff, and each group of desks has a color. it was really easy to call kiddos to line up or whatever just by saying "if you sit at the pink table line up." even though i used desks, i called their group a "table." hope this helps!
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