I love springtime in the classroom. There are so many fun things to learn about and do during this time of the year. This past week we learned all about plants in room 4.
We began our plant unit by talking about our "schema." I made a Cara inspired chart. Cara is the queen of totally cute charts! Girl has mad skills! :)
We also colored these cute color me flowers from Creative Teaching Press. My kids LOVE to color so these are just the perfect addition to our bulletin board...quick, easy, and cute!! :)
We labeled the parts of the flower and made this cute little craftivity.
We learned about plants with a little help from Ms. Frizzle! Love me some Magic School Bus!!
We made a yummy snazzy snack-- "dirt dessert!" We even ate it outside on the playground. :) yummy snack + playground = fun stuff!!
We planted flowers on Monday. My students had a choice between Zinnias, Morning Glorys, or Cosmos.{only one little friend picked the Cosmos.. I had so hoped it would sprout first! :)} I forgot to snap a pic of our flower planting fun.
Today was the first day we came in to find that some of our plants had sprouted! They were all in suspense to know which ones had sprouted first! I made another Cara inspired chart. {love her!} We are going to keep track of when their flowers sprout. Morning Glorys were the first to sprout! They colored a flower and I wrote their intials and the date they sprouted on the flower and added it to the chart.
Well that's all I got for tonight! Have a happy weekend!! :)

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