Rewind.... October

Well this little rewind post is a little late... well a lot late! But better late than never right? Let's rewind back to October shall we....

We did a whole bunch of bativities... these are just a few of them that I happened to snap a pic of.

 This bat was Cara inspired. :)  My kids LOVE charts like this! They get so excited!

We read a ton of nonfiction books which helped us complete our bats KWL chart.

We made a yummy bat inspired snack. 

I love the Magic School Bus and we watch them when can... my kiddos learned some interesting bat facts from the Magic School Bus Going Batty video. I love how still and into it they are!

Me and Dexter on Halloween aka Minnie Mouse and Woody. :)

Is this not the cutest boy ever???  He melts my heart!

Dexter and his Halloween treats. We go trick or treating and he gets dog treats! 

One of my sweet room moms sent these in for the Halloween treat exchange. Too stinkin' cute!!

We had a pumpkin decorating contest at school. This was my pumpkin for my class. Nemo! I love him!

 Well that's all I've got for tonight. I've got a crazy busy week.... I've got a ball game to work tomorrow night, parent teacher conferences followed by a PTO meeting on Tuesday night, I'm getting evaluated on Wednesday (EEEK!!!), and a half day common core training/meeting on Thursday. I'm already saying is it Friday yet?? Say a prayer a make it until then! ha

Have a great week blog friends!! I hope yours is a whole lot less busy than mine and full of wonderful! :)

1 comment

Anonymous said...

Loved seeing the way you used Cara's bat ideas. I also love Chalk Talk's bat ideas, too. Thanks for sharing yours:)
