Hey blog people! I have completely neglected my little blog lately. I've been all kinds of busy and just haven't had the time to update it. And to be honest, we really haven't had a lot of extra time for anything blog worthy lately. :( Does this happen to anyone else?? Just no extra time?? Here are a few pics of few things that we have done lately...
We read Spookly the Square Pumpkin and completed Michelle's too cute opinion writing activity. Love her stuff!
We read a bunch of bat books and completed a ton of bat activities.. here are just a couple that I snapped a pic of.
Teri's bat was too cute so I just had to have my kids make something with it!
We used Cara's too cute bat graphing activity and believe it or not most of my kids thought bats were CUTE! :)
We have a Halloween breakfast after the Halloween costume parade in the gym instead of doing a big candy/cupcake party. I forgot to snap any pics. :(
And here a few pics of my cutie patootie dog child...just because he is too cute not show off! :)
He is too stinkin' cute!! But I may be impartial! ha
Well, that's all I got for tonight! I'm working on an update for my Thanksgiving unit. I hope to have it re-posted soon! I hope everyone has a great week!

Thanks for the shout!! So glad you could use the bats! ;)
A Cupcake for the Teacher
Your pup is so darn cute! Really! I mean, not as cute as mine, but definitely up there ;)
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Primary Teacherhood
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