Today we began our apple/Johnny Appleseed unit. This is one of my very favorite themes to teach each year. There are just so many fun activities to do with apples! We began with a little KWL chart about Johnny Appleseed. Today, while transitioning from one activity to our Johnny Appleseed activities, I told students to begin thinking about what they already knew about Johnny Appleseed and we would add it to our chart. While I was getting our books, brainpop, and chart all set up and ready I was overhearing my little sweeties discuss with their neighbors what they already "knew" about Johnny Appleseed and what they planned to share. One little cutie that didn't know I was listening said "well I know that his name is Johnny and his last name is Seed." Another cutie replied, "no, his last name is Appleseed." The other cutie then replied back, "no his middle name is Apple, his last name is Seed, silly!" HA PRICELESS!
Here is our KWL chart from today.
We read some great books and we watched a Brainpop Jr video to help us learn more about Johnny. Then we added our new learning to our chart. I asked students what Johnny's real name was and one cutie literally about jumped out of her seat with excitement to tell me. She said "ooooh, oooh, ooooh I know! I know!" I called on her and she exclaimed "Miss Elisabeth it's Johnny Chapstick!!! His real name is Johnny Chapstick!!!!" HAHA Can you say PRECIOUS!?? She was so stinkin' excited because she thought for sure she had nailed it! And well she was super close. ;)
We will continue adding to our chart throughout the next couple of weeks.
Here is the low down on the goodies I used to create our latest hallway bulletin board.
Color Me Apples from Creative Teaching Press {These are the perfect addition to any bulletin board! They are quick, the kids get to color and make them unique, and they are oh so stinkin' cute!!} I love using them to add a little something extra to our displays. Can't wait to use the other cute styles they offer.. pumpkins, leaves, hearts, etc.
Apple Tree Bulletin Board Set from Creative Teaching Press-- I used the tree and the bucket from this cute little fall set. There are several other super cute pieces in the pack too!! I just ran out of room.. bummer!
Lime Green Chevron Border from Creative Teaching Press-- LOVE me some chevron!
Johnny Appleseed craft-- This can be found in my Bushels of Fun with Apples pack. I just gave this pack a complete makeover. {it was my very FIRST unit I posted to tpt a few years ago and was in need of a face lift!} I got it posted last night. It almost doubled in size and I'm super excited about the new activities and can't wait to spend the next couple of weeks working on the fun activities included in this pack.
You can check out the unit by clicking the pic below! Be sure to download the preview for a FREEBIE math station game. :)
Well blog friends that's all I got for tonight! Have an applicious week! :)

1 comment
I enjoy overhearing conversations between kids. I love their innocence and how they come up with bright ideas. Johnny Appleseed or Johnny Chapstick -- this character is worth remembering! Thanks for sharing your precious moments with your cutie class! :)
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